Hi! Welcome to your Creek Creatures excursion!

We can’t to meet you. Here’s our little introduction video so you can see where you will be going -

Watch this video to learn some important features of Mangroves:

video: or the Juniors: How do mangrove trees survive?

Youtube video: Mangroves

Rules for exploring the mangroves on your excursion

There are some very important rules that everyone must follow while exploring the mangroves to make sure you and all the animals are safe:

  • Stay on the boardwalk and you must be visible to your teachers at all times

  • No leaning over the edge of the boardwalk

  • Listen carefully to your guides and teachers

  • Absolutely no running on the boardwalk!

  • Do not walk on the pneumatophores (mangrove roots) or any other animals

  • Everyone must have enclosed footwear

  • No handling of fish, crabs, or any other larger animals

  • If you touch anything from nature you must put it back before you leave


We have a few observations for you to do before you come visit the mangroves with Newcastle Afoot. Your teacher has a weeksheet for you to fill out, and you can bring it with you on your excursion!

Throsby Creek mangrove boardwalk. Image credit: Destination NSW